Primer programa de alfabetización familiar

Primer programa de alfabetización familiar

First family literacy program

John M. Clayton Elementary School celebrated its first family literacy program of the school year on Monday, November 28.

Families joined teachers at JMC on Monday nights from 5:00-7:00 p.m. for eight weeks to complete the Latino Family Literacy Project program ¡Listo!

This program invites children to attend and receive homework help or play educational games while parents go to class to learn bilingual literacy skills that support their child’s education. The program offers three foundational skills that enhance literacy and empower parents through building bilingual vocabulary, learning basic ESL skills and completing a family album that promotes culture and family bonding. 

The program was successful because of teacher volunteers and community donations. Each week, families enjoyed meals donated by community members including Kevin and Camilla Conlon of Selbyville and Joe Aquilla of Frankford. In addition to meals, Mountaire Farms donated goody bags to each child, and every child was given a winter jacket that was donated by the Knights of Columbus of St. Ann’s.  JMC is proud of the families that participated in the program and their commitment to their child’s education. It looks forward to hosting an English family class this winter starting in mid-January and then hopefully a second Latino Family Literacy Project class this spring.