El Tiempo seeks to embrace Delaware Hispanics of every social and economic strata. We reach the executives in corporations who have made our state their home to the thousands immigrating in search of new prosperity. It is our mission to report local, statewide and global issues of importance not only to Hispanics but to all citizens of the state.
A strong emphasis is given to local news and community events taking place around the state, (New Castle, Kent and Sussex Counties) as well as neighboring counties: Chester County, PA, Wicomico and Cecil Counties, MD. Our plans are to cover the entire Delaware Valley.

El Tiempo is Delaware’s ONLY bi-lingual bi-weekly print and online newspaper.
Our bilingual format invites both newly arrived and acculturated Hispanics to keep informed.
As the mainstream newspapers are losing readership to the web, due to cultural issues many of our loyal readers rely on the printed paper.
We are not a cut and paste of generic Hispanic news from external sources. We seek out and actively report on social, educational, political and cultural issues focused on Hispanics but important to non-Hispanic Delawareans as well.
Our newly revamped web site will create an even stronger interactive bond between El Tiempo and the Hispanic community…and beyond. Online we will become a DAILY paper printed every other week.
Our local news is immediate and topical
- Education
- Health
- Legal and financial advice
- Business
- Sports
- Family
- Performing Arts
- Youth column
- *SPECIAL SECTION: “Who’s Who in the Community”, recognizing Hispanics contributions, achievements and role models for the community